Thursday, May 22, 2014

Week 12

On week twelve of our twenty percent project Vanessa and I are going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings today at around 6:30 so around 7:00 we'll already have our meal sitting right in front of us ready for us to eat it. Vanessa and I are going to meet up over there since she lives super far away from me, so basically today is the first day we're actually going to act instead of just say we're going to do something today is the day we're actually going to do something. I'm actually really excited because today is a really good day to do something, the weather is perfect to go out to eat and work on our twenty percent project I'm happy , but a little nervous I don't even know why. I just hope it's not packed because BWW is always packed it pisses me off. Why can't it just be like other regular restaurants, where you just go and right away get your seat and sit down quickly , eat and just leave, but no at Buffalo Wild Wings you have to wait about thirty minutes to get a table cleared. Hopefully today is a success.

Week 11

On week eleven of our twenty percent project Vanessa and I are going to Coffee Code this weekend, We're going to meet up over there and eat and drink yummy Coffee. We changed our minds because Vanessa can't go because some small difficulties came up but it's okay we'll just go tomorrow. I really want our twenty percent project to be really good and entertaining and catch all my classmates eye, I want them people to go and try the things we ate at Coffee Code , Farrell's and BWW short for Buffalo Wild Wings. It's really good and Buffalo Wild Wings is a really good hangout place to just goof around with friends for a little and if you're interested in basketball games well there's plenty of televisions all around Buffalo Wild Wings inside and out so you can just go and hangout, and Farrell's is really good everybody in there is really friendly and cheerful. When it's your birthday they sing a happy birthday song to you and it's literally the cutest thing ever, because it's mostly a really cute chubby guy that sings the song really loud and still manages to keep a really big smile on his face.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

week 10

On week ten of our twenty percent project Vanessa an I are going to Coffee Code next weekend on a Friday , then on Saturday and Sunday we're going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and Farrell's. That makes me happy because those are my favorite restaurants/hangout places' because they're old schooled and I love places that look like restaurants in the 80's , makes me feel comfortable and in peace. Also the food in there is amazing! You literally just want to eat everything in there, everything looks so good and the smell that comes out of the food is divine. When we go to Coffee Code next week we're going to take our camera and videotape how the waiter attends us and what's the most popular meal on the menu and we're going to buy it, and eat it. We're also going to talk about how the food was and try to convince people to go try the most populist meal on the menu. It'll be delicious, I guarantee you it will.

Friday, April 25, 2014

week 9

On week nine of our twenty percent project Vanessa and I are going to work on Vlog it's a blog in a format of video's. We're going to go to 5-10 different restaurant's and video tape everything from were we get there till we finish and get out the door.  We're thinking on only going to restaurants that are located in Buena Park. Restaurants like Buffalo Wild Wings, Farrell's , Coffee Code , and plenty more...  Everything is going to look super cool. We can totally even tell the waiter or host to help us video tape us and then pay her a little extra money afterwards. I'm really excited to see how our presentation is going to turn out. I have a feeling that it's going to be a success. We're going to go to my favorite restaurants and have dinner, how awesome does that sound. I usually get nervous presenting in front of a lot of people so we decided to do a video of us presenting. I think that's a brilliant idea because I won't be able to get nervous and everything will come out way better. I'm really looking forward to eating all that delicious food.

Friday, April 18, 2014

week 8

week eight of our twenty percent project we decided to change it up a little. Vanessa and I are going to only go On to every restaurant in Orange Country instead of going to every place in Orange Country. That is too much work, well it's not the work that's, making us change our minds, it's just that we don't have a car to ride us to every single place in Orange Country. Last week Vanessa and I didn't do anything we said we were going to go to Disneyland , but we both lagged it on each other because we already had other plans. This time we're actually going to go to every restaurant well i'am because my parents always go out to a lot of different restaurants every weekend and they always drag me and my siblings with them, it'll be really cool if I actually go to every restaurant in Orange Country. I'll feel really cool but really fat also. Let's just hope I don't get that fat. I'll try to work out but who cares about working out all I really care about is eating. Vanessa and I will make people take us to the restaurants or we'll walk and call that our workout for eating all that food.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 7

On week seven of our twenty percent project Vanessa and I are going to work on our project all Spring Break and go to places with our family or with each other and we're going to look like creeps going around every street of every adventurous place in Orange Country taking pictures of the streets that surround that adventurous place but who cares, you care, well I don't care.  We're going to work on our project the best we can and I have a feeling that we are going to succeed. We are going to make it look better than the internet maps we need to put hard work in this project because we are going to go around taking a picture of the place and the streets that surround it all over Orange Country. Sounds like hard work and effort but we are going to make this possible. All I have to say is that we are going to work on this project all spring break long.

week 6

On week six of our twenty percent project I went to San Pedro and took so many cute pictures! Vanessa and I are going around taking pictures of every place in Orange Country and upload pictures of the pictures we take in our internet website/collage.  We're going to make a collage full of the places people will need help looking for in maps we're going to make the pictures and description more clear. Sometimes maps don't state the information clearly so that's why Vanessa and I are going to make our pictures with a really good description and image. We are going to help people the best we can! We have tons of pictures on our phones now, not internet pictures. Actual phone pictures we took them ourselves. We're going to go to Disneyland together and take pictures of all the streets around Disneyland and post it on our website. That way people can get to Disneyland from so many ways.